Writing a Sefer Torah: A mission that unites and generates identity.

It is written that every Jew should write a Sefer Torah at some point in his life, although it is clear that this task cannot always be carried out individually but communally. Those institutions that have joined together in the collective project of writing a Sefer Torah, in addition to having fulfilled a transcendental Mitzvah, have seen their members grow both spiritually and socially, since it exposes them to a sacred task reproduced throughout. over the centuries.

This is why the writing of a Sefer Torah should be an institutional project, in which efforts are devoted to generating what surrounds the ketivá (writing) itself. Identity, creative force, belonging and fidelity are part of the social and spiritual benefits. And we must not leave aside the strong capacity to generate economic resources for large community projects that an undertaking of this magnitude provides. Not only is it legal from the point of view of halacha (Jewish law), but it has always been seen as one of the most genuine ways to crystallize the desires of the kehilot, whether in building planning, special projects, educational plans, or for any other purpose requiring significant monetary contributions.

In this task, STa”M Buenos Aires not only proposes to bring closer the sacred task of writing a new Sefer Torah for its kehillah, but also to be a facilitator and ally in the accompanying objectives that derive from its writing and that we can surely help achieve. with our advice based on experience and knowledge in the matter.

What are the basic steps of the Sefer Torah writing project?

  1. Objectives : The first thing your institution should take into account is the definition of the main objective of writing. It can be the simple act of adding a Sefer Torah Casher to the Aron Hakodesh, or generating resources, developing the loyalty of community members, etc.
  2. Definition of milestones : With clear objectives, and depending on the availability of the Sofrut team, it will be easy to determine the approximate date on which you want to start writing in a ceremony specially designed for this purpose, as well as agree on the period of completion of writing.
  3. Signing of the agreement : Invoking the blessing of the Almighty, the next step is to sign an agreement specifying all the details of the writing project between the kehilá and Sta”M Buenos Aires. At this moment, all doubts must be resolved and all points of common agreement must be defined for a successful process.
  4. Creation of the project calendar : Whether at this time or before the start of the project, it is suggested that the kehilá designate the people who will lead the Institutional project. The main objective of this committee will be to generate relevant activities in order to optimally achieve the proposed objectives. Among the tasks, we must not forget the initiation and closing ceremonies, the way of convening donors, honors to be awarded, graphic material, talks and workshops with children and adults, etc. Sta”M Buenos Aires will gladly offer the accumulated experiences, which may well serve to help the kehilá to enhance this laudable task.
  5. Making donations : Ideally, the best way to benefit from this project is through donations. It is suggested to call one, two or three families who want to transcend spiritually by donating 100% of the cost, so that the kehillah can, in turn, generate donations of sefarim (the 5 books of the Torah), parashiot, psukim (verses) , otiot (letters), etc. above cost. It is interesting to note that there is no collection ceiling other than that given by the local culture, the time allocated by the kehilá to this project and the creativity of those who carry it out.
  6. Launch and opening and closing ceremonies: The beginning of the writing is extremely moving, but it will be more so if its launch is announced at the right time. Many communities decide to do it for the Yamim Noraim or for Shavuot, while the beginning of writing may be later. In it, the Sofer will give a talk explaining concepts of the task he is going to develop, planned together with the Institution according to its needs. Later, it will begin with the writing of the Sefer Torah in the eyes of those who the Institution decides to invite. The setting of tefillah (prayer) is also conducive to this moment. The moment of conclusion, several months later, is also a unique experience where joy is present at every step. There are many customs in this regard, such as carrying the new Sefer to the synagogue, writing the last letters or being received by others sifrei Torah of the Aron hakodesh. Emotionality and joy must be contagious to everyone present.

Can special honors be given to donors?

Sta”M Buenos Aires makes available different dates to be agreed upon during the writing period, where those members of the kehilá designated by the Institution will have the honor of actively participating in writing letters and thus fulfill this mitzvah with their own hands. Depending on the characteristics of the person, the Sofer will have more or less participation, but no one will be unable to participate in that experience. Likewise, in the completion ceremony, the Institution will designate the people who will write the last letters of the Sefer Torah under the instructions of the Sofer.

How can we bring the project closer to our families?

In order to facilitate the task of generating resources by the Institution and at the same time generate knowledge and identity in the members of the community, there is the option of holding learning meetings with adults and/or with children, in quantity, dates. and schedules to be defined jointly. In these meetings the Sofer will explain and show in a practical way the laws and techniques of writing, although the final content of the workshop(s) will be defined together with the Institution and its specific needs will be taken into account.

Is a Sefer Torah guaranteed?

The Sefer Torah is delivered written in compliance with halakhic norms , revised and in perfect condition. In addition to manual and human review, all STa”M products developed by STa”M Buenos Aires have a complete computer review and subsequent final report. The Institution must review the completed Sefer Torah, although it is important to note that any halakhic problem that invalidates it due to errors at the time of writing has a lifetime guarantee, although after a certain amount of time there may be some cost of transportation or accommodation in if necessary due to distance issues.

How is a Sefer Torah paid?

At the time of signing the agreement, the kehilá will make the first payment to reserve the space and purchase the materials necessary for writing. The agreement will also include the schedule of mutually agreed partial and periodic payments, in order to facilitate treasury tasks to obtain resources.

Is there any extra cost for writing sessions or Workshops?

In the act of signing the agreement, the number and type of meetings that the institution requires will be decided together without any type of extra cost beyond those related to transfers as will be explained below. There may be some extra cost if the institution decides to plan more meetings than usual, or if it decides to incorporate new meetings to those scheduled in the signing of the agreement.

What happens if, once the project has started, due to force majeure it must be interrupted?

It is understandable that in the face of an undertaking of such magnitude and such a long term, there is some fear of not being able to complete it, for whatever reason. In that case, if the Institution abandons the writing once it has begun, it may choose between receiving the incomplete Sefer plus the unused materials to continue it at the time and in the manner it wishes, or request the Sofer to take care of it. offer it to other institutions at full cost, reimbursing the original Institution the total amount less the expenses incurred due to cancellation and change of owner. This means that there is practically no risk that can worry managers, at least from the economic side.

My institution is located outside the City of Buenos Aires and its surroundings. How does geographical distance influence the project?

Since the act of writing itself does not require hours in the community, distance is not a major inconvenience. Technological advances make countless alternatives possible for carrying out previous meetings and even remote talks. However, there are times in which the project will require the presence of the Sofer in the kehilá, in which case the community must take into account those costs related to air transfers, accommodation, taxes, insurance and/or customs charges if they exist. . They will be applied to the number of trips that the Institution requires, so it is suggested to dedicate some time at the beginning of the project to plan these trips and thus optimize them.

Some final words…

Cheer up.

Bet on the future and the continuity of our people.

We are eager to accompany you and answer any questions that may arise and help you think about the project.

May the Almighty bless your steps, that of your congregation, and may we soon be able to say together “Shehecheianu!”

Contact us now and start your project by clicking here

The Kol Judaica Team

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