Tefillin "Pshutim Mehudarim" (Higher Standard A)
Tefillin "Pshutim Mehudarim" (Higher Standard A)
Tefillin (Phylacteries) according to Ashkenazi custom
There are different categories of Tefillin according to their quality. Although all "Casher" (Aptos), these can be manufactured in materials of greater or lesser robustness and even with different degrees of "Hidur" , that is, embellishment details.
This publication corresponds to the "Pshutim Mehudarim" category, which is equivalent to a Superior Standard quality. It is appropriate for young Bar or Bat Mitzvah or as a first Tefillin game for adults, although they are suitable for anyone who wants to take advantage of their optimal relationship between price and quality.
It should be noted that the size of the Batim (The boxes that are placed on the arm and head) is standard in all cases. That is, it does not usually vary if they are for children or adults.
All materials are manufactured in Israel, while the writing on the internal scrolls and the assembly is 100% Casher . In the process, all the requirements indicated by Halacha (Jewish Law) are followed, and its suitability is guaranteed through an exhaustive computerized review.
Each Tefillin set includes the pair of phylacteries (for the head and for the arm) with their respective straps, protective plastic cases and velvet cover. They can be armed following both the Ashkenazi and Sephardic customs.
Plastic cases may contain a mirror to verify correct placement of the head phylactery (Subject to availability).
If you have questions, simply ask us and we will be happy to advise you.